Gulfood CrunchTalks - A Ramadan special with Chef Mohamad Chabchoul, in partnership with Chef JKP


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This podcast is a two part Ramadan special, bought to you in partnership with Chef JKP, and Meelz -
For the first part, Chef James Knight talks to one of the most exciting and prominent Chef’s of the region.

Discussing the holy month of Ramadan, the chef describes what it means, a time of reflection, a time of family, overall it is a lifestyle.

The tents, the food, the Shisha, people love to try all of the small activities that happen during this time. For him, this year he has created a nostalgic “ Grandmother’s corner “ where the chef transports people back to their childhood giving the guest the food they used to grow up with. Pre-dominantly the mezze is Anti-pasti, all vegetarian.

Tune in to for more on upcoming episodes.

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