Ras Al Khaimah - 10 Years of Achievements | رأس الخيمة - 10 أعوام من الإنجازات

RAK Media Office

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قطعت رأس الخيمة وعلى مدى الأعوام العشرة الماضية شوطاً كبيراً في رحلتها نحو تحقيق الازدهار، واستطاعت تحقيق معدلات نمو غير مسبوق في العديد من المجالات. لقد برهنت الإمارة على حضورها كواحدة من الوجهات الإقليمية الرائدة بالنسبة لقطاعات الأعمال والسفر وجودة الحياة، وفي الوقت الذي نفكر فيما أنجزناه، نتطلع قدماً بمزيد من الطموح والأمل إلى بناء مستقبل أكثر إشراقاً واستدامة.

Ras Al Khaimah has journeyed to great prosperity over the past decade and achieved unprecedented growth in many fields. The Emirate has proven itself to be one of the top destinations in the region for business, travel and lifestyle and as we look back on our achievements, we also look forward with ambition, determination and the knowledge to build a bright and sustainable future.

#RasAlKhaimah #UAE

Ras Al Khaimah Government Media Office (RAKGMO) was established under Law No. (5) of 2018, issued by His Highness Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi, UAE Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah.

The Office is tasked with leading and coordinating media efforts across all Government entities in the Emirate to ensure synergy in delivering a consistent message that reflects Ras Al Khaimah’s diverse economy and abundant opportunities, while also emphasizing its historical and cultural status, all of which make it a prime destination for business, leisure and lifestyle.

RAKGMO is the key point of contact for media organizations with an interest in Ras Al Khaimah and the Office seeks to develop strong working relationships, based on trust and respect, with media figures from across the globe. There is a wealth of great stories in Ras Al Khaimah and RAKGMO aims to ensure the world learns of them.

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